Rapid Thermal Contrast Therapy. Made Easy.
“The most significant breakthrough in non-invasive therapy for inflammation in decades.”Jack Zeltzer, MD, Vascular Surgeon, W. Palm Beach, FL
VORTEQ is the first Rapid Automated Thermal Contrast Therapy device. While using hot and cold to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation is not new, VORTEQ is the first to revolutionize the technology that can apply this therapy in an automatic and precise way.
“If you are using manual TCT methods today you need to take advantage of this patented technology.”
You can apply up to 50 therapy cycles
Program varying therapy durations and precise temperatures as desired
Everything you to need to apply contrast therapy is contained in one device
No more runs to the ice machine
The patented CWT solution is unique in that it is an automated contrast therapy recovery system. VORTEQ® utilizes hot and cold modalities in rapidly alternating cycles while automated and scripted by clinician input and/or session specific algorithms, allowing optimization for patient bio-parameters. Combining hot and cold therapies simultaneously, provides improved circulation for enhanced arterial blood flow, venous return, and inflammation reduction. The VORTEQ’s easy to operate touch screen incorporates iceless cold, programmable heat, and innovative rapid thermal contrast, allowing for rehabilitative care during various stages of healing.
VORTEQ healing potential
“My husband and I were in a very serious car accident in Sunriver, OR. I had multiple surgeries ending with the result of having my right leg amputated just below the knee. Muscle spasms were so horrible after the amputation that sleep was impossible. After just one session the spasms ceased. My husband was looking at the need to schedule an amputation on his right foot due to the severity of his damage. After two months using the VORTEQ his doctors are not even considering amputation. He has decreased his pain medications and is rebuilding muscles in his leg that were lost due to atrophy.”Natalie & Jayson H.

Contrast therapy has been effectively used on the following ailments:
Diabetic Neuropathy
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Complex Limb Ischemia (CLI)
Opioid Crisis
Below the Knee Amputations
Above the Knee Amputations
Post-SurgicaL recovery
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Wound Healing
Diabetic Ulcer
Pressure Ulcers in LTC/Rehab
Be among the first to offer this
new technology to your clients
US Pat. 9,345,614. US and International Patents Pending